Moves Magazine
The Moves Magazine team is excited to introduce our 2024 Diversity and Inclusion Event nominees, expanding our already impressive group of female mentors and diversity leaders; powerful and successful individuals who give back; leaders who encourage and augment the upward progress of young women in today’s world.
Channing Martin SVP
Chief Diversity & Social Impact Officer, IPG
“... a Moves Mentor is someone
... who believes in equal access, opportunity and impact for women across all industries and sectors... ”
Lisa Coleman
Senior Vice President for Global Inclusion & Strategic Innovation, NYU
“... any time you’re learning, that is an opportunity to grow, and I think that’s for both the mentee and the mentor... ”

Julia Satov
Global Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Litera
“...But equality cannot be achieved until equity is addressed...”
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, SAP
“... mentorship is a two-way process, the benefits are mutual...”

Bridgette Newsome
HR Director, DKW Communications
“... mentoring offers a platform to enrich your life in many ways... ”
Lynette Barksdale
Global Head Inclusion & Diversity, Visa
“... gender equality is a goal that requires overcoming the long history of patriarchy and sexism that has influenced the social norms, institutions, and power structures of many societies... ”

Hanne Bak
Senior VP, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc
“... I think it’s a matter of true equality whe there is room for everyone to bring their whole selves to work and succeed... ”
Marilee Fiebig
Chief Diversity Officer, Save the Children US
“... the undermining of women in leadership is a systemic and pervasive issue, irrespective of the gender of those who engage in it... ”