Home Moves Forum Diversity Awards 2022

Diversity Awards 2022

by devnym

“… I approach each relationship in a way that meets the individual where they are. I believe each relationship is different, based on the needs of the mentee/protégé. I want to help them with whatever they want to achieve out of the relationship. As I said earlier, it’s about them, not me or my method… “

“… Moves Mentors use their political capital, networks, prior knowledge and experience to help others succeed. They truly see individuals for their value and their worth. They are excellent listeners with a knack for hearing beyond what is being said and artfully probe to get at the sometimes more challenging unsaid items… “

What makes a Moves Mentor?
“… I think empathy, honesty, vulnerability and a clear memory of one’s own path to where we are in our own career so that we are able to bring an authentic voice to the conversation with anyone that we are helping guide their careers.

“… good mentors have an awareness of how a mentee’s skillset and competencies can and should evolve, both within a specific industry as well as across a broader corporate landscape. So, while this may look different depending on the individual, mentors must also have to have the ability to have courageous conversations, giving actionable feedback so the mentee can flourish… “

“… I think that’s important for the organization to say we value mentorship so much that we are going to ensure that every person in our organization has a mentor… I think that’s going to require some personal commitment and dedication…”

“…I find that being a mentor is often as impactful as having a strong mentor. Engaging with people I’ve mentored has benefitted me on so many levels. Connecting with people who are often earlier in their career, from different backgrounds and underrepresented communities, has expanded my understanding and challenged me to look at things in new ways… “

“… any successful mentoring program should include a reverse mentoring component whether it is a formal part of the program or not. I think we’ve all learned that often it is our junior or less experienced colleagues who can inspire us and teach us how to approach our jobs or lives differently…”

“…when we mentor with curiosity and intentionality to get to know, engage and develop individuals who are under-represented or come from backgrounds different from ours, we expand our own growth mindset and contribute to a culture of equity and belonging…”

“…Being a mentor fuels several areas for me. It allows me to be of service to others, it also allows me the opportunity to connect with early talent and emerging professionals. It is personally rewarding, possibly in the same way a coach feels when a walk-on with natural talent is willing to accept guidance…”

“…I think a mentorship should be formal in the sense that you define parameters. And by that I mean, you know it’s not just going out for a coffee. This is how both of us are going to follow through and each time we meet, these will be the next steps that I’ll follow up on…”

“…I believe mentoring, whether formal or informal, should be viewed as table stakes to be a leader of any kind. A leader is someone who guides and inspires others, which is the very definition of mentoring. Mentorship happens in all human interactions. A mentor can be a friend you seek advice from or a parent who helps guide their child…”

“…I think from the mentees perspective what makes a good mentor is somebody who is accessible and truly invested in you as a human being, in a holistic sense. In my mind there’s a very clear difference between a mentor and a sponsor. Mentors build a relationship and they understand who you are as a person…”

Tony Gale
Hannah Lopez
Joan Pedro
Magali Zoanetti
Maryna Lazakovich
Li Murillo – Hair
Yoli-Ann Cotray – Make-up
Location: 50 UN Plaza


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